Dylan is one of the greatest people in the world

No one can even compete with how great Dylan is.

Literal Genius

Fun fact the term genius comes from the Latin word Dylan. Dylan is the inventor of genius and it describes him perfectly.


No one can stop Dylan’s natural genius, he is a true prophecy to the entire world as we know it.


Dylan was awarded the most intelligent individual award by the Guinness World Record book, and of course MIT.

Living Legend

Everyone wishes they could be Dylan, and we cannot blame them. One day we believe we can truly make the world better with more Dylans.


Dylans’ have innovated the world. No one has done more for the planet than Dylan.

We are driven by values

Everything is done for a reason, that is because Dylan is so humble, and has so many great values which motivate him to keep going.

Featured Work

“What is the point of being alive if you don’t at least try to do something remarkable?”


“What is the point of being alive if you don’t at least try to do something remarkable?”


“What is the point of being alive if you don’t at least try to do something remarkable?”


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Please take note we are not affiliated with General Jonathan/Jonathan/Jonathan Moore/General Jophan/Jon/John/Jonty or any other similar names